Friday, February 6, 2009

Twitter - learning by accident

Social web sites like twitter have something very spontaneous. You follow a bunch of people on twitter and every now and then there is something exciting, some news really helpful for you.

Learning by Accident
Let's ask for the ROI from a users perspective. How long do you have to follow tweets to get some really relevant translating in added value and not just satisfying your curiosity? Rarely. How much time can you spent to follow people over a longer time? How likely is it, that you see the relevant post right when you need it?

And even when you see something like that, it is never enough. At least a blog post, or one page on a site is necessary to really help, and the tweet has just a link.

How many hours of reading, sifting through feeds is necessary to find some gold? Would it not me more reasonable and goal oriented to do some research once a problem or question pops up?
Yes it is! Include twitter for sure, but following?

Yes, there are many uses for twitter
The other perspective, namely to use this to actively communicate is important, at least for some customer segments, I can see that. As I see the value of publishing rather than mailing information, no worries. And especially for building personas it is an invaluable resource of information.

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