Friday, September 5, 2014

Backlink Analysis - Tools Insights: Compare backlink domains from Google, Majestic Seo and Bing

Do 3rd party link tools show the same backlinks like Google does?

As described in the last post - there is some small overlap between domains linking to from either Open Site Explorer and Google Webmaster tools.

How many domains are the same from each tool?

Bing webmaster tools is showing  31 domains that link to that Google Webmaster tools show, and Majesticseo is showing 0 ( and remember - Moz / open site explorer showed 43 domains).

Two annotations:

  1. Last year it was the opposite, Moz zero, Majestic some, Bing most overlap (nearly 5%). 
  2. Although Majestic seems not on spot, we used Majestic data + GWT (Google Webmaster tools) data to remove spam links and penalty - successfully. While I would expect the tools to show all links they possibly see (or even estimate like Majestic) - Google hides most backlink data. That might lead to a much larger overlap between the tools and GWT - we just don't see it.

The scripts are here - and because of the setup, the only line that needs to change to compare other tables is highlighted below:
create temporary table if not exists url_T  (select mid(Source_URL, (locate("//", Source_URL)+2)) as fullurl from support_moz_t );
create temporary table if not exists url_T  (select mid(Source_URL, (locate("//", Source_URL)+2)) as fullurl from supportdellcom_backlinks_t );
create temporary table if not exists url_T  (select mid(Source_URL, (locate("//", Source_URL)+2)) as fullurl from supportdellcom_bing_links_urls_t );
Yeah, I had to drop the tables, but prefer to do that rather than to overwrite - I find it easier to remember.

(Ping me and I'll share the scripts. )

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