Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Public shares on Google Plus: Moz.com with impressive strategy

What an excellent strategy to run a community with top level specialist on your main domain!

While we all should know that this kind of guest blog is highly valuable, I did not expect the extent of impact. Guests write their posts and under certain settings they are 'promoted' to the front page of the blog. Moz offers us a tool to take a closer look - a sitemap of blogposts (moz.com/blog-sitemap.xml).

Just to get an idea how relevant this is, I used my ripple script to check how many ripples each of these posts has accumulated. (Ripples being public shares on Google Plus). This has the usual limitations, it is just like a screenshot at a certain moment and angle.

Total shares of the urls in the sitemap: 26,584. Wow!
Even the Google homepage currently has only 8283 ripples. The highest ranking posts are "Google plus correlations" with 980 ripples, and "ranking factors 2013" with 633 ripples.

That's a LOT of social links and activity to add to a domain!

moz blog ripples

Google Home ripples

1 comment:

  1. So guest posting has no fork in it .... Quality related content by trusted authors works, thx for the data Andreas


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